Low Risk Pain Management

Non-Narcotic Pain Management in Morgantown, WV

Committed To Care

The whole staff at Advanced Physical Medicine is trained to evaluate the root cause of pain and prescribe non-narcotic pain management medications. We’re experienced in treating many chronic conditions, including:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Injuries resulting from trauma
  • And more

We also offer facial rejuvenation and hair restoration services to patients looking to combat signs of aging. When you come in for a consultation at our Morgantown, WV office, our team will develop a treatment plan with you that will give you hope for a pain-free future!

Non-Narcotic Pain Management Services

It’s extremely important as a society that we move away from treating pain with narcotics like opioids. It is possible to manage pain without using highly addictive narcotics, and that’s what we do best here at Advanced Physical Medicine!

1. Trigger Point Injections
2. Synvisc Viscosupplement Knee Injections
3. Diagnostic Ultrasound Guided Injections

Trigger Point Injections

A trigger point can affect any area of the body but most commonly, the neck, shoulders, arms, buttocks, and legs. The trigger point forms when a tight area in a muscle cannot relax, leading to a lump-like knot in the muscle fiber. Common causes of trigger points include:

  • Repetitive Actions
  • Sustained Lifting
  • Trauma (Car Accidents, Falls, etc.)
  • Poor Posture
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Stress
  • Joint Problems,
  • Inactivity (Bed Rest or Prolonged Sitting)

Trigger points can be healed with chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation in combination with Trigger Point Injections. The injection helps to loosen the muscle to make it easier for Chiropractic adjustments. Injections are recommended twice a week for four weeks or until the pain is gone.

Synvisc Viscosupplement Knee Injections
Did you know that knee pain affects millions of Americans yearly? Knee pain from osteoarthritis can develop when the protective cartilage and joint fluid break down, causing significant pain.

Our team of providers can offer relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis and other knee pain conditions with Synvisc Viscosupplement Knee Injections. The injection supplements the fluid in the knee to help lubricate and cushion the joint, providing up to 6 months of relief from knee pain.

Diagnostic Ultrasound Guided Injections
Advanced Physical Medicine has access to high-resolution ultrasound technology that allows us to view a live image of muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, nerves, and joints. This live image allows our providers to better understand and evaluate the area’s health and identify the source of the pain. With this type of view, we can better evaluate where injections need to be applied in real-time!

Regenerative Therapeutics

PRP Therapy

Platelet rich plasma or “PRP” is an organically based injection therapy and a safe option for potentially avoiding surgery. Blood is collected via venipuncture and placed in a centrifuge; thereby, separating the plasma from the red blood cells. It contains a concentrated number of platelets that stimulate cell growth and tissue healing.

Watch this video to learn more!

So What Is PRP Therapy?

With PRP Therapy, our providers can isolate and then increase growth factor proteins contained in plasma and use this to treat a specific area of the body. The therapy can be used to help avoid surgery, depending on the extent of the injury. PRP Therapy, when used to treat mild conditions, can help with progression and further degradation. In more severe cases, PRP therapy is used for pain relief and to improve function.

Conditions That May Benefit From PRP Therapy

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Shoulder pain
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Hip strains
  • Knee sprains
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Ankle sprains
  • Achilles tendonitis & plantar fasciitis
  • Knee, hip, and other joint osteoarthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction and pain
  • Lumbar and cervical facet dysfunction and pain

Regenerative Therapy

PRP and other therapies can be used to encourage the body’s ability to heal itself.

Other Services

Facial Rejuvenation

At Advanced Physical Medicine, we have the ability to improve the appearance of the facial skin by reducing fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and other effects of aging with PRP Therapy.

The Process
Our highly trained providers (anchor to Meet Our Staff) use a micro-needling device to make micro-abrasions creating a controlled skin injury. The punctures create a channel that stimulates blood flow through neovascularization. It also stimulates collagen production in a process called neocollagenesis. We then take the PRP and apply it topically over the microscopic wounds, and you know the rest!

This process is not painful because of a mild topical numbing agent that is applied to the treatment area. The benefits and appearance of skin over time will improve, unlike other treatments like Botox, which break down as time progresses.

Watch More on YouTube

Microneedling session $325.00
Microneedling session w/ topical PRP $500.00
Microneedling session w/ injected PRP $800.00

Full (3) sessions with take-home kit pricing:

Microneedling sessions $900.00
Microneedling sessions w/ topical PRP $1400.00
Microneedling sessions w/injected PRP $2300.00

Take-home kits from Induction therapies: Each Kit contains Phaz (1oz), Cleanse IT (1 oz), VP22 (.05oz). Value: $60.00

Hair Restoration

PRP Therapy can provide a wide range of pain relief and facial rejuvenation benefits, but it can also help with hair loss issues. The growth factors contained in PRP can stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth! Patients who experience hair thinning at an early age or those suffering from androgenic alopecia are the best candidates for hair restoration.

The Process
We begin with a standard blood draw from your arm. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge, which spins the blood around, separating it from the plasma. The plasma is then injected directly into the scalp at the hair follicles. The injections cover every half inch of the area of thinning hair. The whole process should take less than a half hour.

There are no serious risks associated with our hair restoration process. We don’t typically numb the area as the procedure should cause minimal discomfort. Tylenol, ice packs, and hot showers are recommended in the event of any discomfort.

Watch More on YouTube

Injection w/ PRP $500.00
Injection w/ PRP & Microneedling $725.00
Injection w/ PRP, Microneedling & topical PPP $775.00

Full (3) sessions:
Injections w/ PRP $1350.00
Injections w/PRP & Microneedling $2000.00
Injections w/ PRP, Microneedling & topical PRP $2200.00

Take-home kits from Induction therapies: Each Kit contains Phaz (1oz), Cleanse IT (1 oz), VP22 (.05oz). Value: $60.00

Medical Weight Loss

There is a tremendous difference between a weight loss system and a medical weight loss program. Call or email for availability!
Manage your pain naturally & narcotic-free. Get started today!

Business Hours:
Monday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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